Ikea Dream Home + Blogger Style: Bathroom

When Katja at Shift Ctrl Art came up with the idea to get some bloggers together to make an Ikea dream house, I jumped at the chance to participate because imaginary shopping=fun and free! And because all those other guys up there are amazing, so being asked made me feel important and special.  The idea was for each of us … Continue reading

The World is Too Full of Rugs

I feel like I’m referencing a poem with that title, but, if I am, I don’t know which one it is. (a ha! I googled. I knew it sounded familiar! Wordsworth: THE world is too much with us; late and soon,Getting and spending, we lay waste our powers:Little we see in Nature that is ours;We have given our hearts away, … Continue reading

This and That…..

Dave is still working on his massively detailed post on how to build a farmhouse table. And I have a small project to write about, but the weather is not cooperating for taking pictures. So here’s a catch up post with a bunch of little things that don’t need their own posts but that I want to tell everyone about … Continue reading

Online Rug Shopping for Dummies

For someone who’s owned three houses, I’m a pretty inexperienced rug buyer. Our only rug at our last house was in our living room. It was a giant antique dark red oriental rug…all worn down flat and threadbare in some places, and I loved it lots. Then our dog Oliver got really old and started peeing on it, so we … Continue reading

Master Bedroom Progress: Cane Chair

The other day I woke up and nudged Dave and pointed to the corner and said, “do you remember what an awesome chair we have now?” My friend Kristi and I went to yard sales the other day (I keep talking about “my friend Kristi” here, and I also keep trying to get her to write a guest post. Like … Continue reading

Fancy Lady and the Hound

Sometimes you come home from the thrift store with something so BEAUTIFUL that you have to write a whole post about it. And sometimes you come home with TWO really awesome things, so you write about the two of them. The other day Dave was all, “we need to get out of the house and do something; let’s go to … Continue reading

Garage Sale Herb Garden + General Garden Updates

A two part post about things that are happening on the outside of my house. So, as you might recall, awhile back we built a garden bed and planted some stuff in it. Back then it looked like this: And now it looks like this: This is why I keep attempting to grow things even though I am a somewhat … Continue reading

A Successful Thrifting Expedition

On Tuesdays Milo and Gus do a lego robotics thing at a friend’s house, so Abe and Ari and I have a couple of hours to kill. Today we killed them by finding awesome things at the thrift store. We picked up my friend (and college roommate) Suzanne, and headed to a new Goodwill. And I found so many incredible … Continue reading

Craigslist Dresser and Calling the Foyer Finished

Foyers are kind of weird. Our old house didn’t have one; you just walked right on into the living room. I’ve talked before about how one of my qualms with colonials is that they tend not to use space as efficiently as they might, what with their hallways and such (we have a super wide hallway upstairs, which I intend … Continue reading

Dresser Vignette, Heavy on the Vintage

So after yesterday’s dramatic fail, I thought maybe I’d post about something that just involves moving already created stuff around the house, so that I could only screw it up by making it look ugly. Nothing could be destroyed in the process unless I just dropped it and broke it (or unless I decided to smear Mod Podge all over … Continue reading