Downstairs Bathroom Progress: Lights!

Progress on our downstairs half-bath is slow, but it is happening. We have new lights! And we hung up a mirror!

This room remains difficult to photograph. I have a feeling it’s going to stay that way. Wide angle lens, 6 second shutter speed….not only is it a narrow room with no windows. It’s a narrow room with no windows at the end of a hallway which also has no windows. The only light that really gets in there is from the front door at the other end of the hallway, and it has to snake around a corner first. So you get very little light and shadows to deal with.

I am heroically bringing you pictures anyway, though! They’re not as bad as I expected! It would be easier if I’d just paint all my walls white!

Here’s what it looks like when I leave the lights on:

The mirror has been sitting in my basement for a very long time. I found it at the thrift store forever ago and bought it without being sure where it would wind up. As you might recall, the old mirror in here was way too small for the space, so this is a nice upgrade.

You can (sort of) see the old light fixtures in that photo, too. Very 80’s brass. I actually kind of liked the one above the sink and considered keeping it and just replacing the globes, but then it was little too over the top glam in the same way the mirror is, and I thought the two together would be…a lot.

So I went with two pretty simple fixtures from All Modern. The one above the sink has three bulbs instead of two like the old one, so that’s a nice bonus (I don’t know if I’ve mentioned, but this is a pretty dark room). On the website it’s sporting fancy Edison look bulbs, and I think we’re going to go with that with ours, too. The bulbs show up way to well to be boring looking. They have the light in a really nice brass finish, too, but, again, I thought it would be too much with the mirror. I hope that mirror appreciates the pretty brass fixture I passed up just for it.

We’ll probably put a different bulb in the one at the end of the room, too. I realized after we hung it up that it’s going to really show dust and will need to be cleaned….more often than I usually clean light fixtures. I guess that’s not necessarily a bad thing. Maybe I should buy more things that force me to clean more frequently.

Dave keeps saying things like, “I don’t think I’m even going to notice the difference when you paint those cabinets.” Hahahahahahahaha! I know you won’t, sweetie, but I definitely will.

So that’s what’s up next–this weekend, I hope!




Downstairs Bathroom Progress: Lights! — 3 Comments

  1. I feel your pain on the dark rooms. We have the same issue in our upstairs bathroom. Your room is looking great already! Really like the light above the vanity.

  2. Those are great lights, and no, the mirror does not appreciate your foregoing brass at all; it knows its rights!
    White always make light better–that’s why I love it so.
    And please explain the towel sculpture on the counter???

    • ha–that’s a little hand towel stand thing that we bought when we first moved in (since there’s no towel rack) that we learned too late is not really an appropriate size for a normally sized hand towel. I guess it’s for tiny frilly decorative ones? Anyway, don’t worry–there’s a towel rack in there now that I will reveal in the next post!

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